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五行瑪瑙手串 Five Elements Agate Bead Bracelets


黃瑪瑙 主珠    Yellow Agate Main Bead 12MM *1

綠瑪瑙 主珠    Green Agate Main Bead 12MM*1

黑瑪瑙主珠     Black Agate Main Bead  12MM*1

藍瑪瑙主珠     Blue Agate Main Bead    12MM*1

紅瑪瑙主珠     Red Agate Main Bead     12MM*1

磨砂白水晶配珠 Matte white crystal Accessories Beads 8MM* 14


Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.

The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:"
黃瑪瑙Yellow Agate

Yellow agate can help balance negative energy, eliminate nervous stress and maintain a happy mood, and also has the effect of protecting peace
Orientals believe that yellow is a distinguished color that symbolizes power and wealth, so yellow agate and the effect of partial wealth are very helpful to people's wealth
黃色瑪瑙的黃色光對應太陽輪所以長期佩戴黃瑪瑙能夠幫助腸胃的消化對肝、膽、甚至是皮膚都有很大的益處The yellow light of the yellow agate corresponds to the sun wheel, so wearing the yellow agate for a long time can help the digestion of the stomach and intestine have great benefits for the liver, gallbladder, and even the skin.


綠瑪瑙Green Agate

In ancient Roman legends, green agate can ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from all negative energy.
Green agate can help people eliminate distractions and resist all kinds of nightmares.


 黑瑪瑙Black Agate

Black agate is also known as the stone of longevity. It has the effect of promoting happiness and prosperity. It can attract good luck and help relieve stress.
The black agate symbolizes perseverance, and there is transcendence in silence


藍瑪瑙Blue agate

Blue agate is a good treatment aid. Its energy is thick, stable and soft, which can bring people a peaceful feeling.

它與喉輪 (Vishuddha) 對應,能夠幫助人們體驗更高層次的能量,更自如地表達思想感情,具有消除憤怒,抑制感染、炎症和退燒的作用
It corresponds to the Vishuddha, which can help people experience a higher level of energy and express their feelings more freely.


紅瑪瑙Red Agate

Red agate can improve endocrine, strengthen blood circulation, and make the skin look better. The orange-colored red agate can be used effectively in the rectum and gastrointestinal tract, can activate the internal organs, prevent constipation, help expel toxins, and has a soothing effect on liver disease, rheumatism, neuralgia, and varicose veins.
Red agate can also eliminate pressure and mental tension, dissolve the generation gap, promote the frankness of people to get along with each other, and be true to each other. It is a gem to keep families, companies and group members in harmony.


白水晶White Crystal

白水晶主宰健康,平衡個人身心機能,有助情緒的平穩起到安神的作用, 對人體健康有莫大幫助。
白水晶還可以幫助提高記憶力。在小朋友的書桌上擺上白水晶,可以加強小朋 友的集中力和記憶力。
在電腦桌、電視、微波爐等電器上擺放白水晶可以有效的減輕電器的輻射對人 體的影響。
The physical health of white crystal
White crystal dominates health, balances personal physical and mental functions, helps calm emotions and calms the nerves, and is extremely helpful to human health.
White crystal can also help improve memory. Putting white crystals on children's desks can strengthen their concentration and memory.
Placing white crystals on electrical appliances such as computer desks, TVs, microwave ovens, etc. can effectively reduce the impact of electrical radiation on the human body.
White crystal has many other functions, including town house, warding off evil spirits, purifying the body and so on.

White crystal corresponds to chakra: eighth chakra
The eighth chakra is not located in the human chakra, but the chakra outside the human body above the head. White is also the sum of seven colors of light. This chakra assists the stabilization of the energy of the whole body. 1. The role of connecting the chakra and unblocking the chakra.


五行瑪瑙手串 Five Elements Agate B

SKU: 00064
NT$2,500 Regular Price
NT$1,250Sale Price
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