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壽山石 貓眼石除魔手串 Agalmatolite & Cat's eye stone(Opal)  Guardian bell Bead Bracelets


六字大明咒白水晶頭珠  White Crystal Head Bead With Six-character Daming Mantra   14MM * 1

壽山石主珠                    Agalmatolite Main Beads                                                          12MM* 8

貓眼石配珠                   Cat's eye stone(Opal) Accessories Beads                                  8  MM* 8

爆花晶配珠                   Popcorn Crytal White Beads                                                      6  MM* 2

藏銀除魔鈴吊飾            Tibetan silver Guardian bell Charm                                            15MM*16MM *1   


Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.


The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:



壽山 石其質地細膩,通靈,晶瑩溫潤,色彩瑰麗,硬度適中,滑感強,因而最適宜把玩。壽山 石含有一些對人體有益的常量和微量元素,而且具有遠紅外線能量輻射功能,可以明顯改善人體的微循環,降低血液中的血脂數量,防止動脈硬化,增加細胞活力從而提高免疫力。Agalmatolite has a delicate texture, psychic, crystal and warm, magnificent colors, moderate hardness, strong slippery, so it is the most suitable for playing. Agalmatolite contains some beneficial constants and trace elements, and has the function of far-infrared energy radiation, which can significantly improve the body's microcirculation, reduce the amount of blood lipids in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis, increase cell vitality and improve immunity.


貓眼石Cat's eye stone(Opal)

貓眼石(Opal) 對人體的功效:
1.  促進血液循環,幫助人們增強記憶力,還能幫助人們緩解疲勞。
2. 促進細胞代謝,活化細胞,從而加速人體的新陳代謝,使細胞內的有害物質排出體外,平衡內分泌失調。
3. 消除 炎症,腫脹和疼痛,改善胃炎、腸炎、腎炎、關節炎、肩頸椎炎、腰肌勞損症狀,對中年及老年人的幫助極大。
4. 雙向調整血壓
5. 降低血液粘度。
6. 增強和人體免疫功能
7. 有降低膽固醇作用。能改善糖尿病症狀。
1. Promote blood circulation, help people enhance memory, and help people relieve fatigue.
2. Promote cell metabolism, activate cells, thereby accelerating the body's metabolism, expel harmful substances in cells, and balance endocrine disorders.
3. Eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain, improve gastritis, enteritis, nephritis, arthritis, shoulder and cervical spondylitis, and lumbar muscle strain symptoms, which are of great help to middle-aged and elderly people.
4. Bidirectional blood pressure adjustment
5. Reduce blood viscosity.
6. Enhancement and human immune function
7. Has the effect of lowering cholesterol. Can improve the symptoms of diabetes.

The effect of opal in "Feng Shui"

Opal can enhance all aspects of luck and help strengthen the magnetic field


壽山石 貓眼石除魔手串 Agalmatolite & Cat's eye stone(Opal) Guardian bell B

SKU: 00090
NT$3,000 Regular Price
NT$1,500Sale Price
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