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天眼瑪瑙壽山石菩提子手串Sky Eye Agate With Agalmatolite & Vajra Bodhi Bead Bracelets


天眼瑪瑙頭珠 Sky Eye Agate Head Bead                                  22MM*15MM  *1

壽山石    主珠 Agalmatolite Main Beads                                    12MM *8

小金剛菩提配珠 Small Vajra Bodhi Bead Accessories Beads    11MM *7


The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:



Agate is one of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism. It has been used as an evil spirit and amulet since ancient times.


壽山 石其質地細膩,通靈,晶瑩溫潤,色彩瑰麗,硬度適中,滑感強,因而最適宜把玩。壽山 石含有一些對人體有益的常量和微量元素,而且具有遠紅外線能量輻射功能,可以明顯改善人體的微循環,降低血液中的血脂數量,防止動脈硬化,增加細胞活力從而提高免疫力。Agalmatolite has a delicate texture, psychic, crystal and warm, magnificent colors, moderate hardness, strong slippery, so it is the most suitable for playing. Agalmatolite contains some beneficial constants and trace elements, and has the function of far-infrared energy radiation, which can significantly improve the body's microcirculation, reduce the amount of blood lipids in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis, increase cell vitality and improve immunity.


金剛菩提Vajra Bodhi

六瓣 金剛對生意上有很大的幫助,增加財運。
促進手部血液循環 除了佛教信徒作為念珠以外,普通人把玩金剛菩提,珠子就會起到按摩手部的作用,而人的手掌上有著與人體心、肝、脾、肺、腎等多處重要器官的反射區的。所以,經常把玩金剛菩提手串對人的身體是有莫大的好處的長期佩戴或盤玩,能夠促進手部血液循環系統,調節新陳代謝,起到細胞再生,防止皮膚老化美容護膚的功效。
The significance of Vajra Bodhi in Buddhism Vajra Bodhi is the only magical tool for Buddhist meditation. Vajra means "very hard and indestructible" and has the power to destroy all evil

1. Aid fortune
Six petals King Kong has a great help in business and increase wealth.
2. ward off evil
Vajra Bodhi has the highest mana in all Bodhi, and it is said that it was used by Buddha Shakyamuni that year.
3. Can be auspicious.
Promoting blood circulation in the hand In addition to Buddhist believers as rosary beads, ordinary people play vajra bodhi, the beads will play a role in massaging the hand, and the human palm has many important points with the human heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, etc. The reflex zone of the organ. Therefore, long-term wearing or playing with Vajra Bodhi bracelets is of great benefit to the human body, can promote the blood circulation system of the hand, regulate the metabolism, play a role in cell regeneration, prevent skin aging and skin care.
4. Help practice
Bodhi is a sacred object in Buddhism, usually stringed together to make rosary beads. If you use the bodhi rosary beads to read the Buddha, you will have many times the merits if you repeat it. The bodhisattva beads are also known as the no-beauty beads. The beads can restrain the body and mind, help practice, and eliminate the delusion of daily skill. It can increase wisdom and self-protection, and at the same time gain immense merit.


能量手串 智慧+健康+財富 天眼瑪瑙+壽山石 手作佛珠能量手串手鍊

SKU: 00096
NT$2,500 Regular Price
NT$1,250Sale Price
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