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綠松石頭珠 16MM   Turquoise Main Stone 16MM  

壽山石 12MM    Serpentine 12MM

藍色瑪瑙配珠 4MM  Blue Agate Agateaccessorial Bead  4MM 

除魔鈴 14 MM * 16 MM  Exorcism bell 14MM*16MM




藍色瑪瑙Blue agate

Blue agate is a good healing and auxiliary crystal. Its energy is thick, stable and soft, which can bring people a peaceful feeling. Effectively improve mental strength, develop memory energy in the brain, improve stubborn stubborn temper, and improve reading ability. It is also a good amulet for people who travel abroad often to keep you safe



“ Seraphinite”是一種具有高“修復”效果的石頭,充滿柔和的能量,據說會使所有者感到鎮定。
據說,細膩的能量來自於該石材美麗的深綠色調,是一種具有出色鬆弛效果的動力石材。 當精神上的沮喪或沮喪,或由於人際關係不好而使您承受壓力時,Seraphinite會輕柔地工作並為您恢復健康。

人的情緒和精神得到了恢復和穩定,因此他們可以與周圍的人進行溫和的互動。 因此,有效地改善了最初擁有它的人的友好性和“溝通能力”,並且改善了人際關係。 
"Seraphinite" is a stone with a high "repair" effect, full of soft energy, which is said to calm the owner.
It is said that the delicate energy comes from the beautiful dark green tone of the stone, which is a kind of dynamic stone with excellent relaxation effect. When mentally frustrated or depressed, or when you are stressed due to poor relationships, Seraphinite will work gently and restore your health.

People's emotions and spirits are restored and stabilized, so they can interact gently with those around them. Therefore, the friendliness and "communication ability" of the person who originally owned it is effectively improved, and the interpersonal relationship is improved.



Turquoise is regarded as the birthstone of December, symbolizing victory and success, and is known as the "stone of success" and "the stone of luck". Turquoise can bring courage and confidence to people, get along with people around them harmoniously, harmonious interpersonal communication, reconcile people's emotions and psychology, thus maintain a healthy and cheerful mood, and make people full of positive energy. Long-term wear can make people often maintain a cheerful and open personality, making it easier for people to release the energy of love.

綠松石與心輪對應 , 心輪主要掌管愛,善良等一般情感。當心輪打開時,你會具有同情心、友善,並且你會致力於和諧的人際關係。
Turquoise corresponds to the heart chakra(Anahata), which mainly controls general emotions such as love and kindness. When the chakra opens, you will be compassionate and friendly, and you will be committed to harmonious relationships.






能量手串 人際關係+健康+守護 藍松石+壽山石 佛珠能量手串手鏈

SKU: 00055
NT$2,760 Regular Price
NT$1,380Sale Price
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