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小金剛菩提手串 Small Vajra Bodhi Bead Bracelets


小金剛菩提主珠 Small Vajra Bodhi Main Beads 8MM * 16


Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.

The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:"

"金剛菩提在佛教中的意義金剛菩提是佛教參禪的不二法器。金剛為「堅硬無比,無堅不摧」之意,有可摧毀一切邪惡之力1.助財運六瓣 金剛對生意上有很大的幫助,增加財運。2.辟邪驅災金剛菩提在所有菩提中法力最高,相傳是當年佛祖釋迦牟尼所用之物,佩戴身上,驅魔避禍之力較強。3.可增吉祥。促進手部血液循環 除了佛教信徒作為念珠以外,普通人把玩金剛菩提,珠子就會起到按摩手部的作用,而人的手掌上有著與人體心、肝、脾、肺、腎等多處重要器官的反射區的。所以,經常把玩金剛菩提手串對人的身體是有莫大的好處的長期佩戴或盤玩,能夠促進手部血液循環系統,調節新陳代謝,起到細胞再生,防止皮膚老化美容護膚的功效。4.幫助修行菩提子是佛教里的聖物,通常串起來做念珠佛珠。用菩提子念珠念佛,念一遍便有很多倍的功德。菩提子佛珠別名無患子佛珠,佛珠可以約束身心,幫助修行,消除妄念日功深便能增加智慧利己護人,同時獲得無量功德。The significance of Vajra Bodhi in Buddhism Vajra Bodhi is the only magical tool for Buddhist meditation. Vajra means ""very hard and indestructible"" and has the power to destroy all evil1. Aid fortuneSix petals King Kong has a great help in business and increase wealth.2. ward off evilVajra Bodhi has the highest mana in all Bodhi, and it is said that it was used by Buddha Shakyamuni that year.3. Can be auspicious.Promoting blood circulation in the hand In addition to Buddhist believers as rosary beads, ordinary people play vajra bodhi, the beads will play a role in massaging the hand, and the human palm has many important points with the human heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, etc. The reflex zone of the organ. Therefore, long-term wearing or playing with Vajra Bodhi bracelets is of great benefit to the human body, can promote the blood circulation system of the hand, regulate the metabolism, play a role in cell regeneration, prevent skin aging and skin care.4. Help practiceBodhi is a sacred object in Buddhism, usually stringed together to make rosary beads. If you use the bodhi rosary beads to read the Buddha, you will have many times the merits if you repeat it. The bodhisattva beads are also known as the no-beauty beads. The beads can restrain the body and mind, help practice, and eliminate the delusion of daily skill. It can increase wisdom and self-protection, and at the same time gain immense merit."

小金剛菩提手串 Small Vajra Bodhi BBracelets

SKU: 00001
NT$4,000 Regular Price
NT$1,600Sale Price
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