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牛骨珠 硃砂 手串OX Bone Rosary & Vermillion Bead Bracelets


蘋果圓牛骨念珠  Apple round OX Bone Rosary Main Beads 10mm*12mm * 12

硃砂桶珠頭珠  Vermillion Bucket  Head bead 19MM*14MM *1

硃砂主珠         Vermillion Main bead               14MM *1

白水晶磨砂六字箴言主珠 Matt white crystal With The Six-character Daming Mantra  Main Beads 12MM*2



Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.


The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:"

牛骨珠  OX Bone Rosary
西藏手工飾品享譽世界,牛骨做成的飾品,可作護身之用,佛教用它來代表固鋒利之智,可斷除煩惱、除惡魔,因此其代表佛智、空性、真知、智慧等。因此深受現代時尚弄潮兒的喜愛。 功效:招財、鎮宅、健康長壽、驅魔辟邪 。Tibetan handmade jewelry is famous all over the world. The jewelry made of OX bones can be used as a body protector. Buddhism uses it to represent Gu Fengzhi ’s wisdom, which can cut off troubles and demons, so it represents Buddha ’s wisdom, emptiness, true knowledge, wisdom, etc. . Therefore, it is very popular among modern fashionistas. Efficacy: Wealth, town house, health and longevity, exorcism and evil.



2. 對皮膚細菌和寄生蟲有抑制和殺滅作用。
1. Vermilion jewelry has a sedative and hypnotic effect. According to reports, vermilion can reduce the excitability of the central nervous system of the brain, thereby playing a sedative role.
2. It can inhibit and kill skin bacteria and parasites.
3. It has the function of warding off evil spirits


白水晶 White Crystal

White crystal is known as the ""crystal king"" because it is the most helpful, most widely used, and most representative gemstone in the crystal family. White crystal can actively absorb the negative energy around the body or on the body, and can restore the vitality of people with many diseases and frustrations, bringing good luck. According to fortune telling, white crystal can also improve a person's acquired destiny, because it can help a person to touch the air, and naturally can make people's luck improve."
白水晶對應脈輪:第八輪。第八脈輪不位於人體脈輪裡,而是在頭頂人體之外的脈輪,白色也是七色光線的總和,此脈輪協助全身能量的穩定,白水晶也適用各種脈輪,做清理脈輪、連結脈輪與暢通脈輪的作用。The white crystal corresponds to the chakra: the eighth chakra. The eighth chakra is not located in the human chakra, but the chakra outside the human body above the head. White is also the sum of seven colors of light. This chakra assists the stabilization of the energy of the whole body. The role of connecting the chakra and unblocking the chakra.

牛骨珠 硃砂 手串OX Bone Rosary & Vermillion Bead Bracelets

SKU: 00010
NT$3,000 Regular Price
NT$1,500Sale Price
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