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白松石金剛杆手串White turquoise & Gadā Vajra Bead bracelet


白松石 12MM White turquoise 12MM

拉長石 8MM   Labradorite 8MM

金剛杆 32MM*12MM  Gadā Vajra 32MM*12MM


Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.

The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:


White turquoise 


White turquoise is the "holy stone" of the American Indians. It can cure illnesses, keep peace, and seek wealth. White turquoise is a must for every family, every warrior, and a wizard. It is rumored that the turquoise stone used by the nymphs of the Eastern Nvwa is white turquoise. The role of white turquoise represents warmth and vitality, symbolizing good luck, eternity and success. Wearing white turquoise ornaments fills your life with love, avoiding all unexpected misfortunes and bringing good luck.

White turquoise corresponds to the eighth chakra. The eighth chakra is not located in the human chakra, but the chakra outside the human body above the head. White is also the sum of seven colors of light. This chakra assists the stabilization of the energy of the whole body. The role of connecting the chakra and unblocking the chakra.


拉長石 Labradorite

Labradorite is regarded as a "magic stone" in the physical and spiritual realm, which can enhance intuition and various psychic powers, help the practice of spiritual abilities, and even help to transform across dimensions. Because of this characteristic, it is also very helpful in the field of art creation, which can stimulate creativity and imagination, and is called "the stone of the artist".Labradorite is a powerful magnetic field protection stone to prevent the loss of magnetic field.

Labradorite is one of the few gems that can correspond to all chakras, including the eighth chakra.


金剛杵 Gadā Vajra


In Tantra, the Gadā Vajra symbolizes the destruction of the bodhicitta, which is the prop of the monarchs' holdings or cultivation methods. All the kings of the Vajra Department at the Mandala Sea Club held Gadā Vajra. The Gadā Vajra symbolizes the great use of the wisdom of the Vajra, which can break the barriers of the inner demon and the outer devil in the foolish delusion.







白松石金剛杆手串White turquoise & Gadā Vajra Bead bracelet

SKU: 00066
NT$2,560 Regular Price
NT$1,280Sale Price
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