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粉晶(草莓晶) 粉藍色瑪瑙 純銀吉祥象 手串Pink crystal(Strawberry Crystal) Pink Blue Agate Sterling Silver Holy elephant Bead bracelet


粉藍色瑪瑙頭珠 14 MM

Pink Blue Agate main bead 14MM

粉晶(草莓晶) 10 MM

Pink crystal(Strawberry Crystal) 10MM

粉藍色瑪瑙配珠 4 MM

Pink Blue Agateaccessorial bead 4MM

純銀吉祥象 16 MM * 8 MM

Sterling Silver Holy elephant 16MM*18MM


The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:


粉晶(草莓晶)Pink crystal

Pink crystals emit a soft and attractive pink light, which can help improve interpersonal relationships, increase visibility and business affinity, and is the best weapon to open the door to business.

Pink crystal develops the heart chakra(Anahata) to strengthen the health of cardiopulmonary function. It can relax tension, relieve irritability, help deepen the heart, and find self-improvement.


藍色瑪瑙Blue agate

Blue agate is a good healing and auxiliary crystal. Its energy is thick, stable and soft, which can bring people a peaceful feeling. Effectively improve mental strength, develop memory energy in the brain, improve stubborn stubborn temper, and improve reading ability. It is also a good amulet for people who travel abroad often to keep you safe
藍色瑪瑙與喉輪對應,能夠幫助人們體驗更高層次的能量,更自如地表達思想感情,具有消除憤怒,抑制感染、炎症和退燒的作用。The blue agate corresponds to theThe Throat Chakra(Vishuddha), which can help people experience a higher level of energy, express their thoughts and feelings more freely, and have the effect of eliminating anger, inhibiting infection, inflammation and fever."

能量手串 爱情+健康+财富 粉晶+蓝色玛瑙 纯手作佛珠能量手串手链

SKU: 00056
NT$2,760 Regular Price
NT$1,380Sale Price
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