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六字大明咒水晶 手串The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra Crystal Bead Bracelets

六字大明咒水晶 頭珠  Crystal with The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra Head Bead 14MM*1

水晶主珠                     Crystal Main Bead 12MM*1 

紫水晶主珠                 Amethyst Main Beads 12MM*12                    


Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.

The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:"


"主宰右腦功能,即直覺與潛意識,用腦力的人特別適宜配戴紫水晶,可以幫助人在思考上達到精神集中,提高腦筋的活力。與腦波的頻率相近,有鎮定安神、緩和脾氣暴燥的效果,可治療失眠症並且除去惱人的惡夢;有助於開發 智慧、潛能、增強記憶力,也可助人袪除不良習慣, 如酗酒、抽煙、縱慾等惡習。Dominate the right brain function, that is, intuition and subconsciousness. Those who use their brain power are particularly suitable for wearing amethyst, which can help people achieve mental concentration in thinking and improve brain vitality. Similar to the frequency of the brain wave, it has the effect of calming the nerves and alleviating the temper tantrum. It can treat insomnia and remove annoying nightmares; help develop wisdom, potential, enhance memory, and help people get rid of bad habits, such as alcoholism , Smoking, indulgence and other vices.紫水晶也是""社交之石"",屬於內斂型的心而發吸引之緣,經常佩帶有助於常遇貴人,提高直覺力與淺意識。紫水晶在西方國家也代表著「愛的守護石」,能賦予情侶、夫妻間深厚之愛、貞節、誠實及勇氣。Amethyst is also a ""social stone"", which is a restrained heart and attractive. It is often worn to help meet the nobles, improve intuition and shallow awareness.Amethyst also represents the ""guardian of love"" in Western countries, and it can give couples and couples deep love, chastity, honesty and courage."


白水晶White Crystal
"白水晶的功效之生理健康白水晶主宰健康,平衡個人身心機能,有助情緒的平穩起到安神的作用, 對人體健康有莫大幫助。白水晶還可以幫助提高記憶力。在小朋友的書桌上擺上白水晶,可以加強小朋 友的集中力和記憶力。在電腦桌、電視、微波爐等電器上擺放白水晶可以有效的減輕電器的輻射對人 體的影響。The physical health of white crystalWhite crystal dominates health, balances personal physical and mental functions, helps calm emotions and calms the nerves, and is extremely helpful to human health.White crystal can also help improve memory. Putting white crystals on children's desks can strengthen their concentration and memory.Placing white crystals on electrical appliances such as computer desks, TVs, microwave ovens, etc. can effectively reduce the impact of electrical radiation on the human body.白水晶的功效還有很多,包括鎮宅、辟邪、凈化全身等等。White crystal has many other functions, including town house, warding off evil spirits, purifying the body and so on.

White crystal corresponds to chakra: eighth chakra
The eighth chakra is not located in the human chakra, but the chakra outside the human body above the head. White is also the sum of seven colors of light. This chakra assists the stabilization of the energy of the whole body. 1. The role of connecting the chakra and unblocking the chakra."



六字大明咒水晶 手串The Six-Character Great Bright Mantra C

SKU: 00009
NT$2,500 Regular Price
NT$1,250Sale Price
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