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紫水晶粉色貓眼手串 Amethyst& Pink opal beads bracelet



1.粉色貓眼石頭珠 Pink opal main bead 14mm*1

2.紫水晶主珠 Amethyst main beads 12mm*10

3.粉晶配珠 Pink crystal Accessory beads 4 mm*8

3.純銀十字金剛杵吊飾 Sterling silver Gadā Vajra 14mm *1

4.精美禮盒或禮袋 Gif box or gif bag



Elements and effects of products:


貓眼石Cat's eye stone(Opal)

貓眼石(Opal) 對人體的功效:

1.促進血液循環,幫助人們增強記憶力,還能幫助人們緩解疲勞。Promote blood circulation, help people enhance memory, and help people relieve fatigue.

2. 雙向調整血壓Bidirectional blood pressure adjustment

3. 降低血液粘度。Reduce blood viscosity.

4. 增強人體免疫功能Enhancement and human immune function

5. 有降低膽固醇作用。能改善糖尿病症狀。Has the effect of lowering cholesterol. Can improve the symptoms of diabetes.

貓眼石在"風水"效用The effect of opal in "Feng Shui"

貓眼石能夠對各方面運勢進行提升,輔助強化磁場Opal can enhance all aspects of luck and help strengthen the magnetic field



金剛杵 Gadā Vajra

在密宗,金剛杵象徵摧滅煩惱之菩提心,為諸尊之持物或修法之道具。於曼荼羅海會之金剛部諸尊皆持金剛杵。金剛杵象徵如來金剛之智慧大用,能破除愚痴妄想之內魔與外道諸魔障礙。In Tantra, the Gadā Vajra symbolizes the destruction of the bodhicitta, which is the prop of the monarchs' holdings or cultivation methods.All the kings of the Vajra Department at the Mandala Sea Club held Gadā Vajra.The Gadā Vajra symbolizes the great use of the wisdom of the Vajra, which can break the barriers of the inner demon and the outer devil in the foolish delusion.




紫水晶主宰右腦,即直覺與潛意識,可以幫助人在思考上達到精神集中,提高腦筋的活力。有鎮定安神、緩和脾氣暴燥的效果,可治療失眠症並且除去惱人的惡夢;有助於開發智慧、潛能、增強記憶力,也可助人袪除不良習慣,如酗酒、抽煙、縱慾等惡習。Amethyst dominates the right brain, that is, intuition and subconsciousness, which can help people achieve mental concentration in thinking and improve brain vitality. It has the effect of calming and calming the mind and relieving violent temper. It can treat insomnia and remove annoying nightmares; it can help develop wisdom, potential, and enhance memory.It can also help people eliminate bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking, and indulgence.

紫水晶屬於智慧型的磁場,其能量相對於七輪系統中的眉輪。所以說,紫水晶不僅可以開發智慧、幫助思考、集中念力、增加記憶能力,並且可以增加腦細胞的活力及腦袋的運轉。Amethyst belongs to the intelligent magnetic field, and its energy s relative to the brow chakra in the seven chakra system. Therefore, amethyst can not only develop wisdom, help thinking, concentrate thoughts, increase memory ability, but also increase the vitality of brain cells and the operation of the brain.

紫水晶也是社交之石,經常佩帶有助於常遇貴人,增加機智,提高直覺力與淺意識。Amethyst is also a social stone. Wearing it regularly can help you meet the nobles frequently, increase your wit, improve your intuition and shallow consciousness.

紫水晶在西方國家也代表著「愛的守護石」,能賦予情侶、夫妻間深厚之愛、貞節、誠實及勇氣。Amethyst also represents the "guardian stone of love" in Western countries, and it can endow lovers and couples with deep love,chastity, honesty and courage.

當主管或上司的長官們也應該多佩帶紫水晶飾品,可以消除霸氣,帶來貴氣,加強包容心、容忍性,是最有利於領導統馭的水晶,也可以讓部屬信服的為您賣命效勞,具有中國風水學裡「因貴得財」之意。Officers who are in charge or superiors should also wear more amethyst jewelry, which can eliminate domineering, bring extravagance,strengthen tolerance and tolerance. It is the most conducive crystal for leader ship and control, and it can also convince subordinates to work for you. Service has the meaning of "getting money because of expensive" in Chinese Feng-Shui.



粉水晶散發著溫和而吸引人的粉紅色光芒,可協助改善人際關係,增進人緣、生意緣,是開門做生意的最佳利器。 粉水晶主開發心輪,加強心肺功能的健康。可鬆弛緊張情緒,舒緩煩躁心情,協助深入內心,發現自我提高悟性。



能量手串 智慧+健康+人際 貓眼+紫水晶+粉晶+十字金剛杵 佛珠能量手串手鏈

SKU: 00047
NT$2,500 Regular Price
NT$1,250Sale Price
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