飾品能量淨化盤 Accessories Energy & Purifying Plate
基底 Base material:
水晶膠 Epoxy
能量材料Energy material:
1. 海鹽 Sea salt
2. 西藏草 Artemisia argyi
3. 白水晶White Crystal
4. 金箔 & 銀箔 Gold foil & silver foil
5. 能量水晶 & 礦石 Energy crystals & ores
6. 白水晶柱 White crystal column
產品功能Product function:
1. 淨化氣場Purify the magnetic field
2. 強化能量Strengthen energy
3. 防護擋煞Protection & Block the evil spirit
4.招財聚財Bring & Accumulate wealth
產品特色及功效:Product features and effects:
多層結構Multilayer structure
1. 基底淨化層Substrate purification layer
含有海鹽,白水晶及西藏草,它們可自我循環淨化,並淨化盤本體;同時淨化盤子上飾品及週邊環境Contains sea salt, white crystal and Artemisia argyi, which can self-circulate purify and purify the body of plate; At the same time purify the Accessories on the plate and the surrounding environment.
2.五帝錢及招財進寶錢幣Five emperor money & "Bring in wealth and treasure" money:
是居家風水中最常見的一類吉祥物,也是法器,據說有擋煞、防小人、避邪,旺財之功效。 It's the most common kind of mascot in geomantic omen at home.It is said to have the effect of preventing evil spirits, small people, avoiding evil spirits and flourishing wealth.
3.金箔及銀箔Gold foils and silver foils:
在東方的風水命理的觀念裏,金箔及銀箔都有很強大的招財功能In the Eastern concept of "feng shui" and numerology, gold foils and silver foils both have very powerful functions for Recruit wealth.
4.能量水晶及礦石Energy crystals and ores
每一種水晶或礦石都有它們獨特的能量,所以它們可以被運用在強化人體的能量或者是淨化磁場。能量淨化盤可以照個人的需要,添加不同的水晶礦石。Every crystal or ore has its special energy, so they can be used to strengthen the energy of the human body or purify the magnetic field.The Energy & purifying plate can add different crystal ores according to personal needs
5.白水晶柱White crystal column
水晶柱除了有藝術之美外,還具有改善陽宅及個人的磁場功能。In addition to the beauty of art, the crystal column also has the function of improving the magnetic field of the house and the individual.
不但可增添室內美觀,更可鎮宅避邪、招財開運、淨化氣場、改善風水,而且白水晶柱能自動充電,自動化解負能量,讓你周圍充滿祥瑞之氣,事事順心如意。It can not only increase the beauty of the interior, but also protect the house from evil, attract wealth, purify the magnetic field, and improve Feng Shui. Moreover, the white crystal column can automatically charge and automatically relieve negative energy, so that you are full of auspicious atmosphere and everything goes well.
飾品淨化能量盤的運用The use of Accessories Energy & Purifying Plate:
1. 淨化飾品磁場Purify the magnetic field of accessories:
平時我們配戴手鍊或其他飾品外出,多多少少會沾染到一些負面的磁場而導致手鍊的防護能力減弱。在回到家中,將配戴過的飾品擺放在淨化盤上,自然可消除負能量,讓飾品回到最純淨的狀態。Usually when we wear bracelets or other accessories when we go out, we will be more or less contaminated with some negative magnetic fields, which will weaken the protective ability of the bracelet. When you return home, place the worn accessories on the Purifying Plate, which can naturally eliminate the negative energy and return the accessories to its purest state.
2. 強化財位能量Strengthen the energy of Position of fortune in Feng Shui:
東方人相信居家屋子內都有財位,也會在家中的財位放置一些開運的擺件。將能量淨化盤放置於家中財位,不但可以淨化磁場,還可以加化財位的能量。Orientals believe that there are Position of fortune in Feng Shui in their homes, Placing the Purifying Plate in the home's Position of fortune in Feng Shui can not only purify the aura, can not only purify magnetic field, but also increase the energy of the position.
3. 幫助脈輪修練Help in the practice of chakras:
很多朋友喜歡運用靜坐暝想來加強身體脈輪的能量,排除體內的負能量。能量淨化盤可以輔助修練者在修練時,得到更多的正能量。Many people like to use meditation to strengthen the energy of the body's chakras and eliminate the negative energy in the body. The Purifying Plate can assist the practitioner to get more positive energy when practicing.
4. 化解室內煞氣Eliminate a leak in the room:
東方人相信屋內的"煞氣"會影響居住者的運勢及健康。例如爐炤上方樑柱會影響女主人的的運勢及健康。只要把能量淨化盤放置於樑柱的下方,白水晶柱會化解樑帶來的"煞氣"。Orientals believe that the "A leak" in the house will affect the fortune and health of the residents. For example, the beams above the stove will affect the fortune and health of the hostess. As long as the Purifying Plate is placed under the beam , the white crystal column will dissolve the "A leak" brought by the beam.
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SKU: C1001
NT$1,580 Regular Price
NT$1,264Sale Price
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