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天眼瑪瑙硨磲守護手串 Sky-eye Onyx & Tridacna Stone Guarding  Bead bracelet




1. 天眼瑪瑙頭珠 Sky-eye Onyx head bead 14 mm *1

2. 天眼瑪瑙主珠Sky-eye Onyx main beads 12 mm *2

3. 硨磲主珠Tridacna Stone main beads 10 mm * 20

4. 純銀十字金剛杵配飾Sterling silver cross vajra accessories *1


產品的元素及效用:Elements and effects of products:

天眼瑪瑙 Sky-eye Onyx

1. 平衡和隱定人體的每一個輪位(亦稱能量中心),也加強了每一輪位的能量。Balancing and concealing each chakra (also known as the energy center) of the human body also strengthens the energy of each chakra.
2. 幫助個人平伏緊張的情緒。Help the individual to calm down the tension.
3. 瑪瑙具有平衡,穩定以及保護的作用,也是護身符及辟邪物。Agate has the function of balance, stability and protection. It is also a talisman and evil spirit.
4. 維持身體及心靈和諧,增強愛、忠誠、及勇氣。有保平安功效。Maintain the harmony of body and mind, enhance love, loyalty, and courage. Have a safety effect.
5. 消除疲勞、促進血液循環、治療癲癇、夢遊、皮膚病、增加勇氣。Eliminate fatigue, promote blood circulation, treat epilepsy, sleepwalking, skin diseases, and increase courage.
6. 把瑪瑙珠放在枕頭下,有助睡眠安穩。Put the agate beads under the pillow to help you sleep peacefully.


硨磲Tridacna Stone

硨磲的作用之一:辟邪消災。古人認為「硨磲」具有很強的磁場,可消災解厄、避邪鎮煞、保平安,長期配戴具有不可思議的神奇力量及感應。One of the functions of Tridacna Stone:ward off evil and eliminate disasters. The ancients believed that "Qiao Ting" had a strong magnetic field, which could eliminate disasters, relieve evils, prevent evils and ensure peace, and wear it for a long time with incredible magical power and induction.
硨磲的作用之二:凈化心靈。密教中許多修行之人,將之視為供佛靈修,祥瑞吉祥之物;他們相信,持硨磲修煉護法者,能凈化貪、嗔、痴,消除業障,增加智慧與修行德性。The second role of Tridacna Stone:Purify the soul. Many cultivators in the Tantric religion regard it as an auspicious and auspicious object for the spiritual cultivation of Buddha; they believe that those who practice cultivating law can cleanse greed, aversion, and infatuation, eliminate karma, and increase wisdom and virtue.
硨磲的作用之三:安神養生。硨磲有鎮心、安神的作用,可穩定心律血壓、改善失眠、防止老化、增強免疫力,達養生健體之功效。The third role of Tridacna Stone:Soothe the nerves. Clams have a calming and calming effect, which can stabilize the heart rate and blood pressure, improve insomnia, prevent aging, enhance immunity, and achieve the effect of maintaining health.


十字金剛杵The cross vajra


The cross vajra can cut off troubles and is a sacred magic weapon for devouring demons. The cross vajra is more like the power of wisdom to reach all directions and subdue the stubbornness, inviting blessings and resisting evil, seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, and transcendent sacred meaning. The cross vajra represents the wisdom of the Buddha, solid, sharp, and wisdom, and has the meanings of no emptiness, emptiness, and truth.

能量手串 智慧+健康+財富 天眼瑪瑙+硨磲 佛珠能量手串手鏈

SKU: B0014
NT$2,760 Regular Price
NT$1,380Sale Price
  • 1. 我們的佛珠手串不刻意標榜古寺大廟加持,因為我們的產品在設計製作,就是在佛堂裏完成。

    2. 我們的佛珠手串製作前,設計師們會先沐浴,靜座後,才會開始為您的商品設計串製,中途不會休息,一直到完成後,直接以硃砂開光業。所以我們的佛珠手串絶對不假手他人開光。

    3. 一般到古寺大廟的佛珠手串,是神佛"淨化加持",並非"開光"。真正的開光,必須要有一套繁複的儀軌。

    4. 薩塔迦利的的設計師都是具備開光能力的修行者。他們都經過多年的苦修才能具備這些能力。他們同時心懷大悲心,在公司還沒成立之前,就發心要盡己之力渡化眾生。值末法時期,公司成立是有感於法將滅盡,希望透過佛珠手串的大眾化,年輕化及國際化來喚起數劫以來佛陀及眾神佛的慈悲教悔。5. 薩塔迦利承諾我們的佛珠手串送到您的手中後,隨時都可以送回來重新加持開光。(佛珠一旦出現自然的裂痕,表示祂已經幫您擋過災了,建議換掉。)

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