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天然西瓜皮水晶狐仙手串Watermelon peel crystal Fox Fairy Bead bracelet




1. 天然磨砂西瓜皮水晶主珠 Matted watermelon peel crystal mainbeads 12 mm *10

2. 粉晶晶柱Pink crystal column 20mm * 14mm *1

3.鍍24K金狐仙吊飾 24K goldplated Fox Fairy Charm *1

4.精美禮盒及禮袋 Gif Box & Gif Bag


產品的元素及效用:Elements and effects of products:

在東方,玉石的種類或顏色,代表東方宗教中不同神佛加持的力量。In the East,the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.


而在七脈輪的修練上,不同的石頭及顏色,也會協助修練者在修練時更加進入狀態。In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.


我們的產品在出貨前,一定會經過三天的淨化及神佛的加持。相對的,我們的產品也會幫助修練者獲得更多的祝福。Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment.In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.

我們的創新手串,透過設計師的巧思,滲入了現代流行的元素。即便您只是收藏或單純的服飾穿搭,也能得到相當的保護及祝福。Our innovative bracelets have infiltrated modern and popular elements through the designer's ingenuity. Even if you are only collecting or simply wearing clothes, you can get considerable protection and blessings.


我們的設計師會根據產品預期產生的效果,選用不同的玉石組合,再依產品的外形,來做獨特的裝飾,讓產品就算只是一般的配戴都可以得到應有的祝福。Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.

我們對設計師的要求非常的高,同時也會是長期茹素修練行者。當設計師們在設計這些產品時,同時注入強大的正面磁場在產品中。完成後也由設計師親自執行為期三天的淨化,並請神佛加持祝福後才會出貨。Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carryout a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.




西瓜皮水晶Watermelon peel crystal

1.能夠幫助穩定佩戴者的情緒,還能夠幫助緩解焦慮、憤怒、緊張,能夠激發佩戴者的潛能,同時還能夠增強佩戴者肝臟的解毒功能。It can help stabilize the wearer’s mood, relieve anxiety, anger, and tension, stimulate the wearer’s potential, and enhance the detoxification function of the wearer’sliver.


2.幫助佩戴者培養寬容之心,能夠幫助佩戴者塑造健全的人格,幫助佩戴豁達的個性,幫助加強人際關係和佩戴者的交際能力,同時還能幫助,配戴者消除煩躁不安情緒,去除偏見。To help the wearer develop a tolerant heart,can help the wearer shape a sound personality, help the wearer's open-minded personality, help strengthen the interpersonal relationship and the wearer's communicative ability, but also help the wearer eliminate irritability and remove prejudice.

3.增加人體磁場及心臟血液迴圈,促進新陳代謝,活化細胞組織,調理改善虛。Increase the body's magnetic field and heart blood circulation, promote metabolism, activate cell tissue, regulate and improve deficiency.



粉晶Rose crystal

粉晶主開發心輪,加強心肺功能的健康。可鬆弛緊張情緒,舒緩煩躁心情,協助深入內心,發現自我提高悟性。The Rose crystal develops the heart chakra and strengthens the health of the heart and lungs. It can relax tension, relieve irritability, help deepen the heart,discover self-enhancement.

粉晶散發著溫和而吸引人的粉紅色光芒,可協助改善人際關係,增進人緣、生意緣,是開門做生意的最佳利器。The Rose crystal exudes a gentle and attractive pink light, which can help improve interpersonal relationships, increase popularity and business relationships,and is the best weapon to open the door to do business.

粉晶可以增強自身氣場裡的粉紅光,粉色是愛神維納斯顯示愛的顏色,可增異性緣,招桃花運,是最佳的愛情之石。Rose crystal can enhance the pink light in its own aura. Pink is the color of Venus, the goddess of love, showing love. It can increase the relationship between the opposite sex and attract peach blossoms. It is the best love stone.


狐仙 Fox Fairy

狐仙主要可幫助帶來姻緣、愛情、人緣、美麗,因此過往狐仙的信眾主要是女性。Fox Fairy mainly helps bring marriage, love, popularity, and beauty, so the believers of Fox Fairy in the past were mainly women




1. 我們的佛珠手串會依您的實際手圍大小訂制,所以所使用的珠子數量會有所差距Our beads bracelets will be customized according to your actual hand circumference,so the number of beads used will vary

2. 在下單前,請先測量怹的手圍尺寸,並留言給我們的客服,好讓我們的設計師根據您個人的手圍來制作佛珠手串。我們的客服會耐心的跟親溝通您的特殊需求(如:希望獲得什麼樣的加持? 或者您的手圍尺寸等等)Before placing an order, please measure the size of your hand circumference and leave a message to our customer service, so that our designer can make a Buddhist bead bracelet according to your personal hand circumference. Our service staff will patiently communicate your special needs with relatives(such as: what kind of blessing do you want? Or the size of your hand, etc.)


3. 由於手串都是為個人量身訂做的,所以除了產品本身有瑕疵之外,恕不支持退貨,若在產品沒有問題的情況下要求退貨,將必須自付運送的費用。Our bracelets are all tailor-made for our customers, so in addition to the defects of the product itself, we will not support returns. If you request a return if there is no problem with the product, you will have to ship it yourself.

4. 當您收到佛珠手串,請檢查頭珠附近的串線,會發現有紅色的開光痕跡,那是正常的現象,表示佛珠手串已經經過開光加持。如果不希望佛珠手串經過開光,也請告訴我們的客服。否則產品默認是經過淨化開光的。When you receive the bracelet, please check the thread near the head bead, you will find red signs of enlightenment. This is a normal phenomenon, which means that the beads bracelet has been enlightened and blessed. If you don’t want the bracelet to be consecrated, please tell our customer service staff.

能量手串 智慧+健康+財富 白水晶+水草瑪瑙 佛珠能量手串手鏈

SKU: B0003
NT$2,760 Regular Price
NT$1,380Sale Price
  • 1. 我們的佛珠手串不刻意標榜古寺大廟加持,因為我們的產品在設計製作,就是在佛堂裏完成。

    2. 我們的佛珠手串製作前,設計師們會先沐浴,靜座後,才會開始為您的商品設計串製,中途不會休息,一直到完成後,直接以硃砂開光業。所以我們的佛珠手串絶對不假手他人開光。

    3. 一般到古寺大廟的佛珠手串,是神佛"淨化加持",並非"開光"。真正的開光,必須要有一套繁複的儀軌。

    4. 薩塔迦利的的設計師都是具備開光能力的修行者。他們都經過多年的苦修才能具備這些能力。他們同時心懷大悲心,在公司還沒成立之前,就發心要盡己之力渡化眾生。值末法時期,公司成立是有感於法將滅盡,希望透過佛珠手串的大眾化,年輕化及國際化來喚起數劫以來佛陀及眾神佛的慈悲教悔。5. 薩塔迦利承諾我們的佛珠手串送到您的手中後,隨時都可以送回來重新加持開光。(佛珠一旦出現自然的裂痕,表示祂已經幫您擋過災了,建議換掉。)

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