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彩虹水晶天河石手串 Spectrolite & Amazonite Bead Bracelet




1.彩虹水晶主珠 Spectrolite main beads 12 mm *4

2.彩虹水晶配珠 Spectrolite Accessory beads  6 mm * 18

3.天河石晶柱  Amazonite Crystal column *1

4. 精美禮盒及禮袋 Gift box & gift bag


產品細節Product details:

彩虹水晶 Spectrolite

彩虹水晶是一種特別的晶石,屬於由礦物和水晶生成時混合形成的共生水晶,而彩虹石的晶體內主要的礦物是叫Lepidocrocite(纖鐵礦),因此彩虹石中的紅色、橙色、黃色或是灰色白色都是由於這礦物所致。 Spectrolite  is a special kind of spar, which is a symbiotic crystal formed by mixing minerals and crystals. The main mineral in the crystal of rainbow stone is called Lepidocrocite , so the red, orange and yellow in the rainbow stone Or gray and white are due to this mineral.

1.黃色礦物可以聚財及加強自身管理財富能力。Yellow minerals can accumulate wealth and strengthen their ability to manage wealth.

2紅色則可以增強人緣,令人變得更熱情。Red can enhance popularity and make people more enthusiastic

3.研究晶石能量的學者更認為彩虹石能令人變得開朗樂觀、積極,是充滿正能量的晶石,非常適合日常佩戴Scholars who study spar energy think it can make people become cheerful, optimistic and positive. It is a spar full of positive energy and is very suitable for daily wear



天河石又稱亞馬遜石( Microcline)是一種可以增加自信的幸運石,又名「希望之石」,可以令人變得積極,避免出現鑽牛角尖的負面情緒,亦可以提升人與人之間的溝通。對一些容易緊張、歇斯底里或常有情緒困擾的人來說,天河石可更快使人回復冷靜,有治療情緒不安的作用,使身心平衡,促進健康。天河石主對應喉輪,能量亦會通向心輪。 Amazonite, also known as Amazon Stone (Microcline), is a kind of lucky stone that can increase self-confidence, also known as "Hope Stone", which can make people become positive, avoid horny negative emotions, and can also improve communication between people . For some people who are prone to nervousness, hysteria or often emotionally distressed, Amazonite can calm people down faster, has the effect of curing emotional disturbance, balances the body and mind, and promotes health.
TAmazonite Lord corresponds to the Throat Chakra, and energy will also lead to the Heart Chakra.



1. 我們的佛珠手串會依您的實際手圍大小訂制,所以所使用的珠子數量會有所差距

1. Our prayer beads bracelets will be customized according to your actual hand circumference, so the number of beads used will vary

2. 在下單前,請先測量怹的手圍尺寸,並留言給我們的客服,好讓我們的設計師根據您個人的手圍來制作佛珠手串。我們的客服會耐心的跟親溝通您的特殊需求(如:希望獲得什麼樣的加持? 或者您的手圍尺寸等等)

2. Before placing an order, please measure the size of your hand circumference and leave a message to our customer service, so that our designer can make a Buddhist bead bracelet according to your personal hand circumference. Our service staff will patiently communicate your special needs with relatives (such as: what kind of blessing do you want? Or the size of your hand, etc.)

3. 由於手串都是為個人量身訂做的,所以除了產品本身有瑕疵之外,恕不支持退貨,若在產品沒有問題的情況下要求退貨,將必須自付運送的費用。

3.Our bracelets are all tailor-made for our customers, so in addition to the defects of the product itself, we will not support returns. If you request a return if there is no problem with the product, you will have to ship it yourself.

4. 當您收到佛珠手串,請檢查頭珠附近的串線,會發現有紅色的開光痕跡,那是正常的現象,表示佛珠手串已經經過開光加持。如果不希望佛珠手串經過開光,也請告訴我們的客服。否則產品默認是經過淨化開光的。

4. When you receive the bracelet, please check the thread near the head bead, you will find red signs of enlightenment. This is a normal phenomenon, which means that the beads bracelet has been enlightened and blessed. If you don’t want the bracelet to be consecrated, please tell our customer service staff.

能量手串 財富+人際關係 彩虹水晶+天河石 佛珠能量手串手鏈

SKU: B0004
NT$2,760 Regular Price
NT$1,380Sale Price
  • 1. 我們的佛珠手串不刻意標榜古寺大廟加持,因為我們的產品在設計製作,就是在佛堂裏完成。2. 我們的佛珠手串製作前,設計師們會先沐浴,靜座後,才會開始為您的商品設計串製,中途不會休息,一直到完成後,直接以硃砂開光業。所以我們的佛珠手串絶對不假手他人開光。3. 一般到古寺大廟的佛珠手串,是神佛"淨化加持",並非"開光"。真正的開光,必須要有一套繁複的儀軌。4. 薩塔迦利的的設計師都是具備開光能力的修行者。他們都經過多年的苦修才能具備這些能力。他們同時心懷大悲心,在公司還沒成立之前,就發心要盡己之力渡化眾生。值末法時期,公司成立是有感於法將滅盡,希望透過佛珠手串的大眾化,年輕化及國際化來喚起數劫以來佛陀及眾神佛的慈悲教悔。5. 薩塔迦利承諾我們的佛珠手串送到您的手中後,隨時都可以送回來重新加持開光。(佛珠一旦出現自然的裂痕,表示祂已經幫您擋過災了,建議換掉。)

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