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綠松石水晶金剛杵手串Turquoise & White crystal Gadā Vajra beads bracelet




1.綠松石頭珠Turquoise Head bead 14 mm*1

2.綠松石配珠 Turquoise Accessory beads 8 mm *6

3.鍍彩水晶主珠 Color-plated crystal Main beads 12 mm *8

4.純銀金剛杵吊飾 Sterling silver Gadā Vajra Charm 37 mm *1

5.精美禮盒或禮袋 Gif box & gif bag


產品的元素及效用:Elements and effects of products:



綠松石被視為十二月的誕生石,象徵著勝利和成功,被譽為「成功之石」和「幸運之石」。綠松石能夠給人帶來勇氣和信心,使人和周圍的人友好的相處,和諧人際交往,調和人的情緒和心理,從而保持健康開朗的心境,使人充滿正能量。長期佩戴能夠讓人經常保持開朗和坦蕩的個性,使人更容易釋放出愛的能量。Turquoise is regarded as the birthstone of December, symbolizing victory and success, and is known as the "stone of success" and "the stone of luck". Turquoise can bring courage and confidence to people, get along with people around them harmoniously, harmonious interpersonal communication, reconcile people's emotions and psychology, thus maintain a healthy and cheerful mood, and make people full of positive energy. Long-term wear can make people often maintain a cheerful and open personality, making it easier for people to release the energy of love.



白水晶 White Crystal

白水晶被人們稱為「晶王」,因為它在水晶家族中對人幫助最多、應用最廣、也是最具代表性的寶石。白水晶能自動的吸收人體周圍或者是身上所具有的負性能量,並能使多病多挫折的人恢復元氣,帶來好運。根據算命來說,白水晶還能改善一個人的後天命運,因為它能幫助人牴觸煞氣接觸,自然而然的就能讓人的運勢轉好。White crystal is known as the "crystal king" because it is the most helpful, most widely used, and most representative gemstone in the crystal family. White crystal can actively absorb the negative energy around the body or on the body, and can restore the vitality of people with many diseases and frustrations, bringing good luck. According to fortune telling, white crystal can also improve a person's acquired destiny, because it can help a person to touch the air, and naturally can make people's luck improve.

白水晶對應脈輪:第八輪。第八脈輪不位於人體脈輪裡,而是在頭頂人體之外的脈輪,白色也是七色光線的總和,此脈輪協助全身能量的穩定,白水晶也適用各種脈輪,做清理脈輪、連結脈輪與暢通脈輪的作用。The white crystal corresponds to the chakra: the eighth chakra. The eighth chakra is not located in the human chakra, but the chakra outside the human body above the head. White is also the sum of seven colors of light. This chakra assists the stabilization of the energy of the whole body. The role of connecting the chakra and unblocking the chakra.



金剛杵 Gadā Vajra

在密宗,金剛杵象徵摧滅煩惱之菩提心,為諸尊之持物或修法之道具。於曼荼羅海會之金剛部諸尊皆持金剛杵。金剛杵象徵如來金剛之智慧大用,能破除愚痴妄想之內魔與外道諸魔障礙。In Tantra, the Gadā Vajra symbolizes the destruction of the bodhicitta, which is the prop of the monarchs' holdings or cultivation methods. All the kings of the Vajra Department at the Mandala Sea Club held Gadā Vajra. The Gadā Vajra symbolizes the great use of the wisdom of the Vajra, which can break the barriers of the inner demon and the outer devil in the foolish delusion.




1. 我們的佛珠手串會依您的實際手圍大小訂制,所以所使用的珠子數量會有所差距Our prayer beads bracelets will be customized according to your actual hand circumference, so the number of beads used will vary

2. 在下單前,請先測量怹的手圍尺寸,並留言給我們的客服,好讓我們的設計師根據您個人的手圍來制作佛珠手串。我們的客服會耐心的跟親溝通您的特殊需求(如:希望獲得什麼樣的加持? 或者您的手圍尺寸等等)Before placing an order, please measure the size of your hand circumference and leave a message to our customer service, so that our designer can make a Buddhist bead bracelet according to your personal hand circumference. Our service staff will patiently communicate your special needs with relatives (such as: what kind of blessing do you want? Or the size of your hand, etc.)

3. 由於手串都是為個人量身訂做的,所以除了產品本身有瑕疵之外,恕不支持退貨,若在產品沒有問題的情況下要求退貨,將必須自付運送的費用。Our bracelets are all tailor-made for our customers, so in addition to the defects of the product itself, we will not support returns. If you request a return if there is no problem with the product, you will have to ship it yourself.

4. 當您收到佛珠手串,請檢查頭珠附近的串線,會發現有紅色的開光痕跡,那是正常的現象,表示佛珠手串已經經過開光加持。如果不希望佛珠手串經過開光,也請告訴我們的客服。否則產品默認是經過淨化開光的。When you receive the bracelet, please check the thread near the head bead, you will find red signs of enlightenment. This is a normal phenomenon, which means that the beads bracelet has been enlightened and blessed. If you don’t want the bracelet to be consecrated, please tell our customer service staff.

能量手串 人際關係+平安 藍松石+金剛杵 純手作 佛珠能量手串手鏈

SKU: 00049
NT$2,760 Regular Price
NT$1,380Sale Price
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