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蜜桃玉貔貅招財手練Peach Chalcedony & Brave Troops Fortune Bead bracelet


紫色蜜桃玉瓍頭珠  Purple Peach Chalcedony Head Bead 12MM*1

綠色蜜桃玉瓍主珠  Green Peach Chalcedony Main Beads 10MM*2

粉色蜜桃玉瓍主珠  Pink Peach Chalcedony Main Beads 10MM*2

純銀貔貅吊飾         Sterling Silver Brave Troops Charm    11MM*3MM *1


Elements and effects of products:

In the East, the type and color of stone represent the power of a certain god Buddha in Eastern religion.
In the practice of the Seven Chakras, different stones and colors will also help the trainer to enter the state during training.
Our products will go through three days of purification and blessings before the shipment. In contrast, our products will also help practitioners get more blessings.
Even if you just collect it or simply wear it, you can get considerable protection and blessings.
Our designers will choose different combinations of jade according to the expected effect of the product, and then make unique decorations according to the shape of the product, so that the product can get the blessings even if it is only worn.
Our designers are also practitioners. Any product will infuse the strong positive magnetic field of the practitioner. After the completion, the designer will also carry out a three-day purification in person, and ask the Buddha to bless before shipping.


The elements (stones) of this product and their effectiveness:


蜜桃玉瓍 Peach chalcedony 

1. Improve heterosexuality. The biggest effect and function of the peach chalcedony is to attract love. Enhance heterosexual relationships, enhance your own charm, and bring beautiful love.
2. The peach chalcedony can bring people bright hope and see the future. Assist people to deepen their hearts, discover self-worth and improve self-perception.
3. Eliminate fatigue. The peach chalcedony is thick, stable and soft, which can calm the emotions, eliminate mental hyperactivity, anxiety and stress, and eliminate fatigue.
4. Increase affinity. For people who are frank, impatient and impatient, they can improve interpersonal relationships and promote good relationships. Improve sensibility and knowledge.
5. The pink light emitted by the peach chalcedony is the incarnation of the goddess of love and beauty. Wearing pink chalcedony can help the love to develop smoothly and bring a beautiful love and a happy family.
6. Relieve contradictions. For men and women who have been in family disputes for a long time, it can help resolve the rigid situation, ease the contradictions, and deepen the harmonious relationship between the two.


貔貅Brave troops

Brave troops a mythical beast in Eastern mythology. Putting the Brave troops  in the house can make the family run well, strengthen the good luck, drive away the evil spirits, have the effect of town house, become the guardian god of the family, and keep the family safe.
佩戴貔貅手鍊有招財、聚財的作用Wearing the brave brave bracelet has the function of attracting wealth and gathering wealth

蜜桃玉貔貅招財手練Peach Chalcedony & Brave Troops Fortune Bead bracelet

SKU: A0004
NT$2,500 Regular Price
NT$1,250Sale Price
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