祈祷永恒的美丽, 莲师祈请文, 妙音天女心咒。 演唱: 央吉玛。 2012苏州太湖《江南丝竹 梵呗妙音》佛教音乐会。 2012年11月18日农历十月初五在太湖之滨上演。

Praying for the Eternal Beauty (of the Himalayas), Prayer to Guru Rinpoche, and Saraswati Mantra. Sung by Yunggiema / Yang Jima, a singer from the Monpa / Menba minority people who emigrated from Bhutan to Tibet over 300 years ago. Live performances at Lake Taihu, Suzhou, China on 18 November 2012.

演唱开始 Performance begins at: 0:22
视频来源 Source of video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTA2NTc...
央吉瑪 (Yunggiema) [祈禱永恆的美麗 Pray for the eternal beauty]
中英詞意 1080P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HhHLU...