一髻佛母為寧瑪巴(紅教)之主要三不共護法之一。和咕嚕咕咧佛母、喇呼拉佛母是三體合一的。 一髻佛母,藏名阿鬆媽,意即密咒護持母。梵名艾嘎乍紀,又叫獨髮母或一髮母。 此護法為法身普賢王如來(一稱普賢王佛母)所化現,是屬於智慧護法, 專護持行者出世間之成就,主空性。 一髻佛母為一首獨髻無見頂相,具有照見過去、現在、未來三世的獨眼,一齒如同普巴杵一般尖銳, 碎盡一切天魔煩惱災障,獨乳遍育法界如子的眾生, 身青黑色,右手執屍杖,左手持魔鬼心與母狼,令人不敢逼視。 這「一」即代表著法界全體,因此修學一髻佛母的法門,現觀即圓滿,不行自然到。 一髻佛母主要的形像是一個頭、一個髮髻、一隻眼睛、一隻牙、一個胸脯。 此一字非指單一之一, 而是整體之一,即代表充滿法界之整體。 其獨目居額頭正中、獨齒牙尖向下有如普巴、 獨乳居胸正中央、髮束於頂,髮尖朝天。 其形像之特點皆表法身一體。 祂的皮膚是青黑色的,右手執屍杖,左手持魔鬼心與母狼。 一髻佛母法是屬於降服法,具大威猛降服力,祂的力量非常的剛猛強烈。 這個法沒有接受灌頂的不能修。尤其祂的那一顆獠牙專咬世人的貪瞋癡。 施法時可觀想對方或魔變得很小,然後用獨牙咬之。 咬人的話不好,你得為祂做息災, 你只能咬人的貪嗔癡。 一髻佛母手印:右手食指豎立朝上。 咒語: 1。 瑪瑪 劄嘎 惹洽 噯嘎 雜紀 吽呸 梭哈 2。 嗡 一髻 讓 養 康 吽
FROM / 蘇宧རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང

Music; Choying Drolma & Steve Tibbetts (Video Kenneth Thornton) Ekajati is the protector of secret mantras and “as the mother of the mothers of all the Buddhas,” represents ultimate unity. As such her own mantra is also secret. She is the most important protector of the Vajrayana teachings, especially the inner tantras and termas. As the protector of mantra she supports the practitioner in deciphering symbolic dakini codes and properly determines appropriate times and circumstances for revealing tantric teachings. Because she completely realizes the texts and mantras under her care, she reminds the practitioner of their preciousness and secrecy. According to Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, she is the principal guardian of the Dzogchen teachings and is “a personification of the essentially non-dual nature of primordial energy.” Dzogchen is the most closely guarded teaching in Tibetan Buddhism, of which Ekajati is a main guardian as mentioned above. It is said that Sri Singha (Sanskrit: Śrī Siṃha) himself entrusted the Nyingthik teachings to her care. To the great master Longchenpa, who initiated the dissemination of certain Dzogchen teachings, Ekajati offered uncharacteristically personal guidance. In his thirty-second year, Ekajati appeared to Longchenpa, supervising every ritual detail of the Heart Essence of the Dakinis empowerment, insisting on the use of a peacock feather and removing unnecessary basin. When Longchenpa performed the ritual, she nodded her head in approval but corrected his pronunciation. When he recited the mantra, Ekajati admonished him, saying, "Imitate me," and sang it in a strange, harmonious melody in the dakini's language. Later she appeared at the gathering and joyously danced, proclaiming the approval of Padmasambhava and the dakinis. also known as Māhacīnatārā, Ekajati is one of the 21 Taras, is one of the most powerful and fierce goddesses of Indo-Tibetan mythology. According to Tibetan legends she is an acculturation of the pre-Buddhist goddess of heaven, whose right eye was pierced by the tantric master Padmasambhava so that she could much more effectively help him subjugate Tibetan demons. Ekajati is also known as "Blue Tara". She is generally considered one of the three principal protectors of the Nyingma school. Often Ekajati appears as liberator in the mandala of the Green Tara. Along with that her ascribed powers are removing the fear of enemies, spreading joy and removing personal hindrances on the path to enlightenment.